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11/07/12 3:37 PM

#192573 RE: DesertDrifter #192568

I was as depressed as the next guy after the first debate. But I never believed it was because Obama was tired, uninterested, or unprepared.

I believe it was a planned and thought-out strategy. His strategy. He was ahead in the polls and didn't want to cause a stir. He didn't want to come across as the angry (black) man to feed the racists. Also, no one could have expected that Romney would do a 180 on every previous position he held during the primaries.

So, yes he may have accepted some coaching after the first debate, but I'm sure that too, was his decision and I doubt he needed to be talked into it.


11/07/12 4:34 PM

#192587 RE: DesertDrifter #192568

EDIT__well, you know what I thought of the debate ... I identified with Obama .. completely, what on earth could anyone say? jesus frickin christ .... I thought I was debating a man called Mitt romney and then !!! SYBIL walked out! !!!!!!!!!!!! .. so I (obama) just told the truth . .nothing was going to stop him from that . .even though he didn't know what the heck to do with this NEW personality who had escaped from the tunnels of mittens mind ... . and Obama still had his families background in him that said . . .TREAT everyone with respect! even IF .. they are not respectful to you! .. even IF they're downright assholish... just get away and pick another time .. !!!!! ...and truthfully I just couldn't believe that after all the country had been through with Obama that one little 90 minute period of time could possibly be that significant .. NOW don't get me wrong .......there were many times after that when I KNEW F6 was RIGHT !!!!!! ... that he had lost it right there! .. . but those were NOT my first impressions and thoughts first impressions were .. just what the hell do you expect? .... A total stranger comes out of the closet to debate President Obama ... and we never EVER saw this guy .. NEVER ... and I thought Obama did the best he could with this new man who in mitts place ... to me he had two choices .. Do what he did .. which was just get through the damn thing ..... without compromising your principles , which he did ... OR ........Call the damn ambulance for MiTT! was quite obvious that mitt had a mental break for godssake! ........but then as I saw the poll numbers drop .. I thought sheeesh ........the admiration for Obama was always just a thin thread with these people ... it seemed as if they were all just looking for a reason to turn on him ... but then Nate .. .started telling us that the 'mitt momentum' had stopped ... .. ;) ...........things began to get a whole lot better ... on a daily basis ... even so ... I swung from knowing he would win to thinking my GOD! .. the haters will win! .. and I just couldn't bear that .. I just couldn't ... and they didn't ! .. They lost ! ........ .. .that's all that is important for now .. .;) Their very own despicable HATE turned on THEM! ... and Obama WON! ... ;)


and no I don't believe that was a strategy at all! Who the hell could have known that Mitts personality was going to split in that moment? . .NO ONE could have known .. except Mitt and close advisers period ... ! ... Obama was busy .. He had a job .. maybe you don't remember but before that first debate they said that he had hardly had any time to spend with John Kerry.. but even so .. I just don't believe you can prepare for a guy coming out to debate you who used to be a Weird HARD RIGHT guy .. and then he waltzes out as a Moderate liberal .. !!!! .. .. give Obama a break .. ! .. my God ! ........weren't you stunned ? We all were .. .I couldn't even believe I was hearing Mitt right .. anyway .. . just my thoughts ... I guess now in debate prep we are going have to add in .. ."Preparing for Split Personalities to Appear" .......;) .......