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11/07/12 10:11 AM

#192526 RE: oldberkeley #192519

Great Post!


11/07/12 12:50 PM

#192543 RE: oldberkeley #192519

I’m very much afraid that the traditional concept of the loyal opposition has ended: our side lost, now let’s roll up our sleeves and work together for the common good. What we’re going to see is increased polarization, increased destructive foot-dragging and nay-saying, increased obstructionism.

Hi Oldberkeley .. hope you are well..;) I do hope you have taken that message to the other political boards here on ihub. . ...

I'm sorry I guess I'm deaf dumb and blind but I just haven't seen Obama ... or Senate dems beating up on people and calling them fascists .. and other such things ... nor have I seen any dems yelling out at formal events .. 'you lie' ......blah blah ..

and I hope you add a chapter.. like how does a black man in the us overcome blatant disrespect from the 'opposition' (they're not loyal, there is no proof that they are loyal) ..

I believe that the first Black Man to be President of this country has done exceedingly well ... and I also know that the dems I've watched have also kept their mouths shut about the way Obama has been treated in public and during congressional business ... I haven't seen any blatant disrespect coming out of dems .. You will have to point all that out to me .. I'm serious I missed it completely .. Obama will not have as many electoral votes as george bush had .. but that's sure not going to bother me and I sure never ever expected that he would .. NEITHER am I surprised that the popular vote isn't as high as some presidents have gotten but I'm not too sure about all that yet .. Obama electoral vote will improve by 29?.. when florida comes in ... and I believe that the change must come from the other side .. the other side keeps beating his wife and his friends keep over looking it and accepting it and tell him ... oh that's o.k ... bud .... it'll be alright .. well , you know .. .It won't be alright .. ! .. We live in a changing United States .. We REALLY are a NATION of immigrants ... and we really do accept them and their religions .. the republicans are either going to acknowledge that . or they will just keep taking the beat downs and the beat downs will get worse and worse .. .just think if Obama was white ... ;) omg .............He would have even picked up Arkansas!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. ;)

I hope you see what I'm trying to say ... I do get what you said .. however.. .. I believe the changing has to come from the republicans ... . they haven't helped Obama or the dems in any constructive legislature in the past four years .. either they have a mental problem or they are guilty of treason ... at times I just don't know .. Anyway .......nice seeing you again .. ! ..