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11/07/12 9:10 AM

#7797 RE: Market_Fest4 #7795

MF4: My wife and I have talked it over...our house goes on the market next March. We'll rent for a few years and travel to a few more places before we decide where to flee. Thailand is on the list. We need to check out Uruguay. Can't relocate to Europe, they're more screwed than we are. Apres Obama, le deluge.


11/07/12 9:14 AM

#7798 RE: Market_Fest4 #7795

MarketFest, >>> $10M/year in turnover <<<

$10 mil is an arbitrary number which could be set higher. The idea is to hit the criminal banking cartel and make them pay for the economic depression that they've caused from their toxic derivatives scheme. Currently the banking cartel gangsters essentially pay no taxes. The 1% Wall St sales tax would be the first step toward nationalizing the Federal Reserve and putting Blankfein, Pandit, and Dimon in jail.

>>> The entitlement class can celebrate another 4 years of leaching off the productive people <<<

The leeching entitlement class is not the US people, it is the banking cartel/financial oligarchy who own the criminal Federal Reserve. Every dollar we pay in income tax goes to service the debt foisted upon us by these parasites. For the country to have any future other than as a banana republic dictatorship, the banking cartel has to be routed. Unfortunately the odds of it happening are remote, but it should be the #1 goal of citizens who are awake to the situation.