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10/14/05 11:59 AM

#28 RE: dubyah #27

Patent link:

also here is copy of tests of Sniffex device published on website recently

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10/14/05 12:35 PM

#30 RE: dubyah #27

More interesting info

I can not verify the validity of the ionfo in this message but here's a copy of msg #7 on the SNIFEX RB BB:

By: jaratca
28 May 2005, 10:23 PM EDT
Msg. 7 of 220
(This msg. is a reply to 4 by hal32tx.)
Jump to msg. #
hal-- I contacted Paul Johnson last week and received a response. I had some questions and have some more for him that I might send next week. Anyway, I'm pasting his email response to the three questions I asked. His answers are in bold.

This company is brand new, and as such, has a lot to get organized. I bought in last week but then sold so that I could do more DD before committing $$$ (typical 'leap before you look' syndrome). The share price seems high for a company with no track record, financials or corporate filings, and a product that may or may not spark interest in the markets that it is targeting. It is entirely possible that the Sniffex device will be a hit. The test results seem a little inconclusive so far. It is version 1.1 however, and the p/r's imply that r&d is ongoing. He also says he will begin marketing in the US next week.

Anyway, here is the email. It is followed by one of the attachments he sent along. The other one was from the New Mexico Tech EMRTC testing grounds but was in a format that would not easily copy and paste:

Dear Mr. xxxxxx

Thank you for your interest in Sniffex, Inc. I hope you realize a very good
return on your investment. Here are the answers to your questions.
First of all, and just to clear my mind of any confusion I have, is there any
connection between your Sniffex and this SniffEx developed at Oak Ridge
National Laboratories?

"SniffEx, developed by Thomas Thundat, Lal Pinnaduwage, Tony Gehl, Vassil
Boiadjiev and Eric Hawk of ORNL; David Hedden of the University of Tennessee;
Eric Houser of the Naval Research Laboratory; Linda Deel of the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives; and Richard Lareau of the
Transportation Security Administration"
There is no connection between Sniffex, Inc. and the group memtioned above.
These folk won a scientific award for developing a product that works on a
completely different technology, and I believe can only be used in close
proximity to the target, say 1-4 inches. Also, as far as I know they have not
manufactured the product yet.
< Secondly, according to one of the news stories I read about Sniffex,
< approximately ten of the Sniffex devices were sold to various
< countries and agencies in Europe. Has there been any feedback as to
< the results of their trials with Sniffex?

In the press release on Wednesday I stated that several countries have tested
the product. The Bulgarian police force did the first large test of the
product and produced a report stating that Sniffex had been used over
500 times
with a 90% accuracy rate. Turkey, Russia, Isreal, Thailand, China, Germany and
Switzerland have all checked out the product and have shown interest in
purchasing it. Attached are two documents that may be of interest. The
first are
highlights for the testing I did at Energetic Materials and Research
and Testing
Center (EMRTC) in New Mexico (one of the largest and well respected explosives
testing centers in the country) and the second is the Bulgarian
police's report
on their testing.
< Thirdly, given the suspicious use of a similar product's name
< developed by ORNL, the dubious qualifications of the 'engineer' who
< invented the high tech device (Yuri Markov), and the apparent lack of
< interest by the U.S. D.O.D. (I have read nothing referring to US
< military interest), what can you tell me that might quell my
< suspicions that this device is a scam?
To date, we have not presented the product to anyone in the US. Our
focus, thus
far, has been on creating the company, getting it public, assisting in getting
the stock trading, testing the product in the US, raising the initial capital,
and obtaining commitments for long term funding. We will begin our marketing
campaign next week and will be demonstrating to those who show interest

We are in no hurry. We believe from the results of test (which I personally
participated in) and the products capabilities, we will have plenty of
interest, some of which I hope to be able to communicate about in the near

Regarding the "dubious qualification" of Yuri Markov", you may want to
him a little further. He has been recognized on numerous occassions for his
work in this area in his own country.

I hope this answered your questions.


Paul Johnson

From Bulgarina Ministry of Interior:

Translation from Bulgarian

Operative and Technical Information Directorate (DOTI) RADIO ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS
Ref. No. 91 Copy No. …….
March 21st, 2005

Reg. No. 1715 Copy No. 2

Mr. T. Lukanov

Your Ref. No. 381 / 15.03.2005

Dear Mr. Lukanov,

In 2004 five devices from your company that makes SNIFFEX, which is designed for the detection of explosives and ammunition, were submitted for testing. The devices are continuously used in real conditions by the specialists from the Bomb Terrorism Counterforce Department during their routine activities such as examinations for the presence of explosives in endangered sites (cars, buildings, suspicious objects, etc.), searches in investigation and prosecution actions, and operative checks.

More than 500 examinations with the device have been carried out. The results of the device’s functioning are very good. Specifically, it allows for the localization of explosives and gun powder, both independently and when contained in explosive devices and ammunition.

An especially valuable characteristic of the device is the ability to localize the explosive materials even when they were behind various barriers such as metals, building materials, plastics, paper, etc., from a safe distance.

It should also be mentioned that the device can be prepared for operation very quickly. Its handling does not require special qualifications, and it needs no outside power supply or maintenance. Our statistics show the percent of accurate indications for the presence of explosives and ammunitions exceeds 90%.

Our final conclusion with respect to the applicability of SNIFFEX for the localization of explosives, is that the device is very useful for the initial detection by specialists from the security organizations when establishing the presence of explosives and ammunitions based on the “YES – NO” principle, and their subsequent exact localization.

Dipl. Eng. Tsv. Ivanov
Sign. ill.
Director DOTI MI
Round seal

For the fidelity of translation:
/A. Chalyovska/