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03/04/03 5:27 PM

#8372 RE: Math Junkie #8362

So what you are really saying is that Palestinians have the right of self defense but they should get into the fetal position and be exterminated? Is that what you are saying?

Cause that is exactly what was happening for many years and it continues to happen now. I haven't heard of any suicide bombers for a while now. In fact I heard about only an Israeli tank that was destroyed and 4 IDF people killed. In response the IDF has started a huge bloodshed with scores of innocent civilians. So... what would you do in this situation??? Palestinians kill 4 military people and disable a tank and in response the IDF kills scores of innocent civilians.

To me, what the Israelis are doing now is no different than the Palestinian suicide bombers were doing. After all, I have been posting for almost a month now nothing but scores of innocent Palestinians dead and all because they blew up a tank and killed 4 IDF soldiers who were in their land, destroying their homes and killing their people.

So what would you suggest they do? Get into the fetal position? I'm really interested to hear if you where in their shoes and with their non-existent military, being killed like fish in a barrel, what would you do when the occupying force was killing your people and taking your land, and every time you tried to defend yourself by taking out a tank, your people and family were slaughtered?