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11/05/12 8:44 AM

#2823 RE: Irrational Exuberance #2822

Welcome Mr.Matt..if you look over the sec papers you will see that in the last 12 months this company has put in world known people(the founding people stepped down, voluntary, including the the gold excerpt, Mr Burney)..made progress on an deal they made with some lawyers to find them funds, and found an security person so they can start production...the rumor was around July, that there was a large influx of money coming..around $40- 50 Million ...I am with you on do not put any faith in this "iceman", who is an known pumper and crook...but I do put some faith in the other members of this form, as some of them do have good sources of info...Once again WELCOME....AND GO GO USPR.......