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11/04/12 11:41 AM

#91501 RE: mr green1 #91495

Concerning this stock only assumptions can be made at this point and you know what they say about when you assume, so how low will they let it go, who knows, but i do know this, It now has Confirmed Broken Chart Technicals now, Top Executives leaving, Dilution ? (read the link), Lawsuits, Inflated Market especially in the Tech sector, possibly being hedged, Lack of innovation and the list goes on and on...

Our whole nation's economy and stock market is based on lies or "sugar-coated statistics", sometimes the outrageous numbers they release makes me wonder if anyone believes them, but surprisingly there are people that do. The market is in a Major Inflated "False" Run-up and investors will get absolutely hammered (already have in the Tech sector)especially starting after the election, in my opinion. I'm in a sit and wait mode myself with "Gold" and "Silver" because it is also heavily manipulated, but the "Smart" are accumulating. The funniest numbers are the Job creation and Unemployment numbers also our nation's debt which is alot higher than what they state, they are trying everything to make sure there's no panic that's why they continue to lie to keep from creating or causing panic. But now, it's starting to rear it's ugly head as we are "The Most In Debt" nation in the world, our debt is higher than any country in the history of mankind (even with the numbers they release). Our dollar is not worth the paper it's printed on, that's also another reason why China and India have been buying up gold like crazy, they know this. Our government will have to pump even more money into the economy once again no matter who is elected but the damage has already been done we've tried that a couple of times already and our debt goes higher and higher and the economy gets worse and worse. The "Bloodbath" has already started as you can see but alot of people just haven't figured it out yet, they can say whatever about the so-called "doom and gloom" or "the sky is falling" speech but it sure as heck isn't bright and sunny and now whether they want to admit it or not they are paying attention because they are looking for answers especially when they look in their portfolios with this stock. Like always though, Time will Tell....