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11/01/12 10:03 PM

#165 RE: Oilbull #164

Well if you're not talking about the market, then who cares? We need Aret to rebound. This thing is sucking big time... An all time low in price now. The company is stronger than ever in assets and revenue but the outlook is unknown except to insiders. We can only guess and read the filings to have any sort of hope.
I for one have not sold through the highs and lows. I believe in the long term. And I hope they at Aret appreciate their shareholders and don't screw them. I have a lot of friends at work who bought based on the forward looking progress in the filings. Now I wish they had all sold at $8. It looks like years before we will get back there. Too bad we all got bamboozled by some con in the business. Har123 knows who I'm talking about.