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10/31/12 2:57 PM

#73245 RE: Bali #73242

confusion and disorder.

Main Entry: 1 hav·oc Pronunciation: \'ha-v?k, -vik\Function: noun Etymology: Middle English havok, from Anglo-French, modification of Old French havot plunder Date: 15th century 1 : wide and general destruction : DEVASTATION 2 : great confusion and disorder <the blackout caused havoc in the city>


10/31/12 2:57 PM

#73246 RE: Bali #73242

confusion and disorder.

Main Entry: 1 hav·oc Pronunciation: \'ha-v?k, -vik\Function: noun Etymology: Middle English havok, from Anglo-French, modification of Old French havot plunder Date: 15th century 1 : wide and general destruction : DEVASTATION 2 : great confusion and disorder <the blackout caused havoc in the city>