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10/13/05 8:26 PM

#63614 RE: Ixse #63582

Re: The 65nm Netburst chips ain't going beat Opteron/Athlon64/X2 and you know it.

I suspect you're right about not beating these, but they have the potential to level the playing field and switch the market to dual core before AMD has the chance to ramp with Fab36 capacity. It will keep them capacity constrained at competitive performance.

Re: Sossaman is for the 32b niche in the blade server market.

Unless AMD launches a competitive dual core Opteron EE, Yonah will be the only choice for dense racks needing ~30W and 15W CPUs. I think it's a market that, while small, is lucrative and growing.

Re: Montecito/Montvale are very unlikely to slow x86 server sales growth.

No, probably not. I'll agree with you here.

Re: Hence you're statement that 2006 is a turnaround year for Intel won't become true till Merom/Conroe/Woodcrest at the earliest.

Going from deficient to even is part of the "turning around" process, and I think Intel will make this transition. In H2 2006, they will transition from even to ahead.