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10/30/12 3:54 PM

#479 RE: WakingBake #478

Flood waters rise above threshold at NJ nuclear plant;

"Legalized Plunder of the American People" - G. Edward Griffin

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07/09/13 3:52 PM

#501 RE: WakingBake #478

H A A R P is Changing our Weather and Killing Millions Around the World -

HAARP : World War 3 weapon's system -

Australia gives murdoch $10m for chemtrails haarp geo engineering q

EXTREME WEATHER WARNING CANADA • HAARP induced flooding Calgary and Toronto -

Published on Jul 8, 2013
Calgary and now Toronto hit with HAARP/nexrad induced weather modification.

West Coast Under HAARP Attack: Are They Trying To Trigger The ‘Big
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09/15/13 12:45 PM

#506 RE: WakingBake #478

Artificial Clouds -Documentary by Dave Dahl (Video)
Sunday, September 15, 2013 5:57

Colorado Floods The Size Of Connecticut, 500 People ‘Unaccounted For’ (Video)
Sunday, September 15, 2013 6:36

NWO 666 anti-Christ red super cult try to find the most evil issues against
our Brother and Sisters -

Colorado Flooding is All Manmade -

America is under attack from the three headed monster HAARP NEXRAD & GEOENGINEERING.
The great people of Colorado are the latest victims of global
weather control.

Colorado Flood 2013: HD Satellite Video Exposes Geoengineering as Weather Warfare -

*Lately Weather War 101 has focused on water vapor added to the
atmosphere by industrial sources like power plants.
While this is certainly a factor in humanity's impact on the
climate, in my opinion there are other technologies being used to
intentionally increase atmospheric H20 and to manipulate its
various states and behavior.
Notable examples are cloud seeding metals like nanoaluminum and
directed energy technologies like HAARP and NEXRAD.

*** I apologize that this video is pixelated near the end.
Here is the last 5 minutes in 1080p HD including the satellite
imagery animations of the Colorado Flooding... Colorado Flood
2013: HD Satellite Video Exposes Geoengineering as Weather

the 666 anti-Christ try to find the most evil issues against
our Bother and Sisters -

BS Osama Knows That The USA Dollar Will Collapse in 2014 –
Thus the USA Will Collapse in 2014 and FEMA/DHS is Preparing –
The Only Hope to Delay Collapse is War –
Here we Explain Exactly Why the Dollar Will Collapse in 2014

Saturday, September 7, 2013 23:58

JD well said, George Carlin was right.

The NWO 666 owners of this country do,
call all the shots.
They think thee;
own all the important land,
All the Media,
All the oil,
All the Gold,
All the government, Senate, House,Congress,
Have all the Judges in their back pockets,
They own it all and they want us just to be obedient workers -
to that the People need to wake up and put
the super red 666 elite,
into the dungeon or fema camps, were the 666 belong -
because they coming after our retirement money next +
evermore else you own.

Putin Was An Illuminati Puppet, But Kicked The Illuminati Out Of Russia
Sunday, September 8, 2013 10:41

1821 - Georg W. F. Hegel formulates what is called the Hegelian dialectic -
the process by which Illuminati objectives are achieved.
According to the Hegelian ...

history often repeat itself -
the BS osama pawn has to follow the khazarian king pin agenda -
and if the People wake up to the true knowledge, we
all better understand the 666 agenda and why the
nonsense bail out robberies and destruction of USA etc.
taking place -

Rothschild NWO cult follow an agenda of

"The Illuminati Chronicles"

thee 666 nwo introduced it to East Europe and
it become the USSR soviet -
now the nwo 666 try to copycat it in Western
World EURO and incl. US and Canada to plunder it as thee did
in "ussr union of soviet socialist republics". frown -

Putin Sends A Letter To Americans!
Friday, September 6, 2013 16:55

WW3 in motion - 'Obama to attack Syria regardless of HOW AMERICA VOTES -
God Bless