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10/29/12 5:09 PM

#190890 RE: SoxFan #190889

Exactly right. Here in AZ, there is an army of young Hispanic kids registering voters and getting out the vote. It's simply amazing.

I just read this great diary at DailyKos.

Latino Decisons Now Gives Obama 52-Point Lead Among Hispanics: "Record Participation"

President Obama now leads Mitt Romney by rather stunning margins among all Latino/Hispanic registered voters, based on the newest Latino Decisions poll.

Overall, President Obama is favored by 73 percent of all Latino registered voters, compared to 21 percent for Romney.

As most of us are aware, these numbers are critical to Obama's election in Colorado, Nevada and Florida. Early on the media were saturated with reports that emphasized low rates of voter participation among Hispanics and Latinos. The results of this poll suggest participation will be anything but low:

The new poll finds 87 percent of Hispanics say they are almost certain they will vote, including 8 percent of Latinos who have already cast their ballots through early voting. ”Eight percent of Latinos is about a million voters, that’s a pretty big deal,” says Gabriel Sanchez, a University of New Mexico political scientist.

* * *

“It looks like the “Sleeping Giant” has woken up,” stated Monica Lozano, CEO of impreMedia. “The poll shows that this year we can anticipate record participation among Latino voters.”

This is one giant that the Romney campaign desperately wishes had stayed asleep. Even representative voices from their own party are besides themselves with desperation at the situation the GOP has created. Shikha Dalmia is a Senior Analyst at the conservative, libertarian Reason Foundation.

It’s hard to imagine how the Republican Party can make things worse for itself with Hispanic voters, yet it keeps trying.

Given the stakes, especially in crucial swing states such as Colorado, Nevada and Florida, you would think that Mitt Romney, the great flip-flopper, would repudiate his own harsh anti-immigration rhetoric at least, especially his pledge to pursue policies that would cause unauthorized Hispanics to “self-deport.” He can’t because his party’s growing nativism has left him little room to maneuver.

The parties' "nativism" was manifested in such wretched Republican specimens as Tom Tancredo, whom Colorado Lationos remember even if the majority of Americans don't.
Bill McKenzie of the Romney-friendly Dallas Morning News discusses why Latinos will pull Obama over the top in Colorado. He spoke yesterday to to Robert Preuhs, who analyzes "voting trends" for Latino Decisions. Notably, this was before today's poll came out. According to McKenzie, Preuhs told him:

[H]e sees four issues being important to Hispanic voters in Colorado: the economy, immigration, health care and education.

Interestingly, McKenzie tried to take that data and make the fact that Hispanics aren't myopically fixated on immigration issues as a half-positive for Romney.

Immigration, then, is not the only — or even primary — issue. But it does matter. And Romney’s handling of it during the primaries has contributed to the lopsided polling against him in Colorado among Latinos. Preuhs says that Latinos are breaking 70%-20% for Obama here.

There is another factor working against Romney here: Tom Tancredo. The former GOP Colorado congressman took very strong stands against immigration reform several years back. His role has not been quickly forgotten...[.]

The most fascinating thing about the immigration "debate" waged by the GOP over the last four years is the fact that the entire Party seemed blithely unaware how its actions would be received and remembered by the Hispanic electorate that it systematically demonized, as the hyperbolic "measures" proposed against brown-skinned people began to pile up, each seemingly intent on outdoing the previous in terms of sheer cruelty and dehumanization.

As if this wasn't going to be remembered for generations.

As Dalmia notes, Romney is polling 15% below George W. Bush in 2004. Make that 20% with the results of today's poll, a detailed breakdown of which can be found in this Diary from Latino Decisions posted earlier today. (h/t Denise Oliver Velez).

The gallinas have truly come home to roost.

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