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10/29/12 12:48 AM

#201782 RE: Artiztic1 #201781

Well, I'll be the first one to admit that feedstock is critical.

Nothing in, nothing out.

Yep, they need to shove plastic in the thing.

Good point.

I'll be holding my position for quite a bit longer so I'll let you know if they get plastic to process.


10/29/12 1:14 AM

#201784 RE: Artiztic1 #201781

According to Werriam-Webster:

Definition of CRITICAL

a : of, relating to, or being a turning point or specially important juncture <a critical phase>

Any company that manufactures a product defines the availability of raw materials as critical.

JBI is no different in that regard than any other manufacturer. When any manufacturer increases the production the amounts of required raw materials also goes up commensurate with the increased output.

Until a manufacturer establishes a track history with new suppliers at the increased rate, the issue of obtaining raw materials is critical. See the above definition. "...specially important juncture.."

That will be true every time JBI add a new processor to the production line.

Until there is a new history established with suppliers... it is critical.

Doesn't matter how many suppliers there are or how large the supply market is....until you have a history with the individual's critical and requires serious attention from management.


10/29/12 1:30 AM

#201786 RE: Artiztic1 #201781

LOL LOL LOL real shareholders arent worried so dont sweat the small stuff. I hear bigfoot has invaded new england, express concern with that. Intelligent JBI investors know