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10/28/12 6:41 PM

#7143 RE: jonesieatl #7142

"Gamble was or should have been aware." As Chairman of the Board and CEO Blystone's/primary money raiser Sassyfrass' good friend/confidant, of course he knew EXACTLY what was going down! He was most definitely aware and thumbed his nose at shareholders. And don't forget, he signed off on the Opus $40 MILLION give away while he had all 3 "titles"...1)TIV's largest shareholder, 2) COB, 3) OPus' largest investor, so there had to be quite a few fiduciary duty breaches and/or conflict of interest infractions with ALL that crazy stuff going on which consequently caused massive shareholder value destruction!

Of course, this is simply my humble opinion!


10/28/12 9:55 PM

#7144 RE: jonesieatl #7142

I hope the final chapter is that all those dead beats, who we said were dead beats years ago, get whats coming to them...and that is...put in jail for many many years and stripped of their millions. Maybe some shareholder who lost millions isn't going to take it sitting down and will be the one guy that makes them pay to have played with shareholders' money.