BION = DUMP THIS STOCK NOW. Terrific work 'nodummy'. This is a fine example of detailed due diligence. You did your homework well. One small correction Michael Stazzi is actually M DiPumpo and we're not making this name up. According to our US and Canadian based research groups, he actually wasn't the issue in the overall bigger picture although we may not have this bigger picture of his total involvement. What is an issue is the new management and board which are much worse than the older groups. Otherwise, your assessment is spot on with terrific accuracy. Time to dump BION NOW EVERYONE. No one should support this unworthy group of misfits who just care about supporting their lifestyles and not their investors. Really solid work ND! You hopefully saved many people's hard earned funds from this worthless group.
Thanks for the info, nodummy. sorry for late reply. was down and out for a bit with hurricane sandy. i appreciate your thoughts in response to my questions. Didn't realize Jay Almieda is also apparently shady. Lots of shady folks here :(