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10/27/12 9:25 AM

#151326 RE: biomaven0 #151275

Peter and Don - I am not sure I completely understand your positions on what will happen with pona if it is approved for second line.

Here is my thinking:
If pona gets the broad label, it should be able to capture a significant number of second line patients.
When Gleevec goes generic in 2015 I think many patients will try generic Gleevec first (it is very effective for most patients and will be dirt cheap in comparision to the other medications) and switch to pona if need be.
Why would a patient switch to a less effective medication ,such as Sprycel or Tasigna, when we know it is better to use the most effective agent early in the course of the disease?
We should have suffient data on pona by 2015 to establish it as the gold standard in newly diagnosed patients. I would think anyone ,with the means to do so, would go on pona first at that point in time. If the front line pona trials demonstrate outstanding ,blow everything else away, results (significant numbers of patients going NED) everyone will demand pona first.

I am thinking Sprycel and Tasigna could become salvage treatments that would be utilized if they are effective in pona failures.
