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10/26/12 9:50 AM

#190384 RE: tinner #190382

Obama>> The cover-up is getting more intense as Election Day approaches. Changing history...only Obama can chanmge like the wind and have the media gloss it over.....

Paul Kengor now draws our attention to the fact that Obama’s audio version of Dreams from My Father has omitted every reference to “Frank” that was in the book.

For example, the book says, “It was the same dilemma that old Frank had posed to me the year I left Hawaii.” The audio version says, “It was the same dilemma posed to me the year I left Hawaii.”

Kengor told The Blaze, “This is blatant, flagrant — clearly a concealment. And it’s in Obama’s voice. There’s no question that Obama knew of this. No question.”

Joel Gilbert maintains that the cover-up stems from the fact that Davis was not only Obama’s mentor but his biological father. He has produced “Dreams from My Real Father,” a film being distributed to millions of voters in various swing states.

Gilbert reports that 1.5 Million DVDs of the film have been shipped to Florida; 700,000 to Colorado; 500,000 to Iowa; 1.2 million to Ohio; 100,000 to New Hampshire; 100,000 to Nevada; and 3 million are going to Pennsylvania, Virginia, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

“Because almost all levels of the mainstream media are suppressing the information in ‘Dreams from My Real Father,’ my distribution company is mailing millions of free copies of the DVD across the United States,” Gilbert says.