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10/26/12 11:39 AM

#30554 RE: TRPL7s #30528

I can make that assumption just by reading your posts. Am I wrong?

Well Deacon let me clarify what I am asking you since you seem to think people here are nothing more than paid fabricators of the truth.
Paid fabricators of the truth? No. Just blinded by hubris.

Q. So from what I gather you are saying that you have been exposed to the Dazer and have participated in actual combat situations...correct? and based on that experience you claim the people in the video are lying...correct?

Exposed to the Dazer? No. Other green lasers? Yes.
"Participated" in combat situations? (I can tell by the question you have never served) Yes. I have discharged my weapon in combat.
People in the video lying? No. I am sure they believe in the product and technology. I am also sure they were compensated nicely for their appearance.

Let me clue you in on a couple of things that likely hasn't turned up during your 'extensive' due diligence.
Green lasers are cool in a futuristic kind of way. They are somewhat effective at their intended purpose. According to LEI their laser is safer and has a broader range. Super. So the army has an existing contract for cheaper, less effective lasers, and there is a brand new technology from another company that happens to cost 2-3 times more. Guess which laser they are going to continue to buy?
Also, combat operations in IZ have ended and they are ending in 2014 in AF. LEI can't manufacture any significant number before both wars are over. Since they have never built more than a handful of prototypes and have never sold ANY, no arm of the DOD is going to buy any in any significant numbers that could have any effect on stock price. At best a service would buy a couple to test against the units they have already purchased enmasse. They would then weigh the added capability claimed by LEI against the significant cost savings that comes from economies of scale from the mass produced product.
In any best case scenario, LEI won't sell, build and deliver more than a dozen lasers before next June or July.