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10/24/12 3:45 PM

#19265 RE: Raider21 #19262

I would also like to address why MEXP did not mention the buyer of their products. This is a common business practice. For a great business source I would like to quote Dave Ramsey's book Entreleadership, this book was a New York Times bestseller, and Dave has many best seller books out there regarding finances. He has a national syndicated radio program and can be seen often on evey national news program. I am merely stating his credentials so you all can see he is a valid source for business information.

In his book Dave says that he does not allow any company who does business with him to claim they have done business with him unless they pay him, or unless they give him a discount of some kind. He says that is free advertising and successful companies do not advertise for free. For example if you sold one of his companies paper, you would not be able to publicly disclose that you did business with Dave Ramsey, without compensating his company. Again this is a common business practice.

In the business world confidentaillity is very important. Most companies do not publically announce who they are doing business with. Yes, this even includes public companies. I have watched a stock that provided manufacturing for a fortune 500 company, they too did not release the companie's name. This is common business practice, anyone with any successful business experience can tell you that.

Another good example of this is my Father runs a distribution company. Many people want to know who his suppliers are, so they can get into his market. The company that sells him his products is a public company. They do not list the sales to him on their balance sheet for confidential reasons, obviously the sales will be on the sheet, they will not release his company name. Not revealing who your clients are is a common thing in the business world. It is nothing to be worried about. That is just how the marketplace operates.

Many companies do this to protect their clients. For example if you supplied Apple with a much needed supplies would you want it to be known that you are buying from Microsoft? Absolutely not, that is why Microsoft will not list every company they do business with. If you dont believe me then look it up for yourself. I am just wanting to help some of you guys out who are not familiar with these type of things. I just want to share my knowledge.

Also a company is not going to ever just make false claims about revenue. The IRS watches corporations closely as they have higher tax rates. Any claimed income will be taxed. To make a false claim like that would cost a company dearly come tax time. So that is why public companies never announce revenue unless it is real. Otherwise wouldnt all scams just make up revenue, why not make bold claims of sales up to 100 million dollars? Penny scams dont do that because when they make information via PR they are publicly telling what is going on. It would be very easy to fry them in court. That is why I dont fully trust phone calls, I never have called a CEO of a penny company, I have contacted AWS, not mark goldberg. I like information via subsidaries and employees.