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10/20/12 7:41 AM

#2718 RE: Lord DarkHelmet #2717

I'm currently in an AAPL IC going into earnings to take advantage of the volatility drop. Overall, I think the position is safe although at this point I believe it will require management but I'm well prepared to do that. The only mistake I are so far is opening it up too early. The subsequent increase in IV has turned my PnL negative and now I have to hold through earnings or take a loss. I was hoping theta would offset the increase in IV in the week before earnings but with AAPL taking a kick in the nuts the last two days, IV got the better of me. Hindsight being 20/20, I think purchasing the IC on the day of earnings may be a better option. However, the short strikes will be much closer and if the MMs are pricing in the IV drop that day, you may get a bad fill. I'll keep you posted. Enjoy the weekend!


10/20/12 11:21 AM

#2719 RE: Lord DarkHelmet #2717

Good to know! Could you help me set up a butter fly to benefit from up side potential? Would i do the inverse of what we did on the spy position? Sell 1 buy 2 sell 1 - calls. Not sure what prices I would need to set at for the pnl curve tho. Or should I say screw it all together and just pick up some 650 OTM November calls?