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10/18/12 10:19 PM

#15821 RE: Bowser619 #15820

Bowser nothing this company does makes sense.

And thats been true since summer of 2011. Something fundamentally changed then.

Investor communications slowed to a trickle.

2 weeks became 2 months, became never.

The stock went from 4 bucks to 8 cents.

With the eventual exception to NIJ coming to friuition few rumors / promised news releases were fulfilled. I've tracked 17 separate and distinct "news coming" events which didnt occur. No wonder they're mum now. If there batting average was any lower , they'd be the New York Yankees.

Significant members of the staff left or were let go.

Insiders are selling .

JB's ghosts continue to follow him and damage any chance for forward momentum in the pps.

And yet here we still are , still thinking that maybe ,just maybe we werent all idiots for hanging on.

Were we?

The story isn't over, but it sure feels like it's close to the last chapter doesn't it?

You're still wearing their armor , right?

If so, and you're sure it works, then maybe they've still got a shot. Thats assuming they have someone, ANYONE at Bourque who can effectively sell what little they do have. I'm pretty sure in my job, as the midwest's top salesman of cow sh*t, (seriously, it's what I'm good at!) I could sell their stuff better. Not sure, but wouldn't be hard to do given what their last financials showed.

Bourque's folks are either completely incompetent or they're completely brilliant. At this point, I'd hate to speculate , but since they provide nothing to counter what appears to be a basic inability to sell, I lean toward the former. I'm willing to concede I could be incorrect. But in the words of Cuba Gooding...."show me the Kwan". or else , they sure look unable to perform.

Otherwise you're wearing the equivalent of the Tucker automobile ( the best car ever built that never sold), or the BetaMax video tape, ( the best video tape ever designed that didnt sell either)

It's obviously not always about the best product, in fact , it's usually more about the ability of management to sell and manage and innovate / promote.

I'm still hanging by a friggin fraying unraveling thread,



10/20/12 11:31 AM

#15828 RE: Bowser619 #15820

Bowser, I think JBs DUI trial probably is making winning contracts difficult. John Bourque should step down as CEO and keep the Chief Scientist position.

Bork needs to finish NIJ certifying all their armor plates especially the new curved ones.

It seems to me they have one surefire exceptional product, kryluminum. The ultrastrong, ultralight, premium hardened aluminum in the world. Able to stop rounds from automatic weapons. They should just make thin sheets of it and sell it to any and every industry customer that they can convince to use it.

The cheapest & simplest thing to manufacture must be sheets of aluminum. Marketing seems simple -- the only aluminum that can stop M16 rounds every time.