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Pour Bouy

10/18/12 8:28 PM

#44431 RE: flaflyersfan #44428

fff, Unfortunately the only fault CGAQ has is believing everything they were being told was gospel and then in good faith sharing that BS with the shareholders.

Notice, we haven't had any real BS in quite a while now. Things have changed. When you are in business and don't have complete control it is hard to keep your partners factually informed when you yourself don't really know what the hell is going on.

As I see it Swank all of his life was the MAN. He made all the decisions and decided what he was going to do and when. Now all of a sudden he has a group of second guessers that are calling him at every turn. He knows he has made mistakes and is trying to correct them - That's one of the reasons this project is taking so long. No stone left un-turned. He is on third and turning for home.

In my opinion nothing short of a major catastrophic occurrence will cause this project to fail and I don't see that happening considering the caution taken at each step of this process. Nothing has been left to chance.

I am certain that plans are being made reaching far beyond the actual signing of the necessary documents to finalizing each of these deals. To my knowledge none of us knows exactly what is going on at present, but one thing is for certain Swank is not sitting on his hands waiting for things to happen - he is trying to make them happen and happen within his projected time frame.

Each of us has our own way of evaluating this company. I chose to evaluate it based on what I see today. Yesterday is ancient history. I chose to live in the present. I am also a forgiving person. I realize people are human and humans make mistakes, but they should have an opportunity to correct those mistakes and prove themselves worthy. I believe this is Swank's opportunity to prove his self to himself as well as to the rest of us.

It's been a long tough ride to get to this point, but we are so very close now that I can taste victory. Jack up some of these $80 a minute lawyers and we might even get it finished in this decade.

Yes, I am a hard nose supporter of CGAQ because I believe in what it is trying to accomplish and I believe they will succeed.

We are just like any other business there are those that are for a project and there are those that are against it. I guess you know which side I'm on by now.

Have a very pleasant evening. PB