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10/18/12 12:14 PM

#21074 RE: treit2002 #21073

Are they still thinking of exporting halal certified beef to the MidEast? yuck, halal = cruelty to animals. Just thinking of it make me puke !

Re your point about mutual benefits for local farmers etc.., their leasing model of pre-built cattle houses and modern cattle rearing methods to local farmers is of course a huge selling point with local and central governments, as demonstrated by the recent visit of provincial top brass to SJAP. It's a powerful way to lift chinese farmers out of poverty, increasing their annual income by manyfolds while helping providing consumers with healthy safe food and SIAF with a lasting and sweat-free profitable business. I made an attempt a while back to point out in a crude analysis the economics of that model and why it's bound to become a big success with the government and local farmers. Maybe you or Sly can refine the analysis after having visited the site.|cattle