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10/15/12 12:40 PM

#107033 RE: Jimthorpe #107032

know whats funny? gene had no problem selling shares at that price.


10/15/12 1:39 PM

#107035 RE: Jimthorpe #107032

jim, you have every right to your view on rcch.i think what really makes your claims sound irresponsable is the outlandish claims of 60+ COMPANYS, rcch going to dollars, and the whole conspiracy theory you adhere to. I really have a couple serious questions for you, maybe it will help me understand this alot better. i hope you answer honestly.1) did you or do you take gene newton (or anyone close to him) at his word on his company?did you ever SEE OR ASK for proof? 2) i know newton talked about his company being shorted way back in 2008, so how do you explain the discounted shares sold to gendamare while all this was going on? how do you explain the copy and paste subs the last couple years? 3) lastly, way back in 2008 rcch was going to spin off company's to a foreign exchange , while we all know this never happened, we do remember the retraction pr that gene didnt know the difference between a merger and a uplist, plus the BOD fiasco?? my question, seriously, does this sound like a man that is bright enough to OWN 60+companys, move to another exchange, and fight a NSS situation? TIA