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10/15/12 1:06 PM

#173 RE: jcwillis #172

If cahoots was the plan Management should have rolled over long ago as they fulfilled their fiduciary responsibility to shareholders. At this point it becomes much harder for management to give away the goodies since they have the court firmly in their corner. The judge is no friend of bondies and they have solidified their position on ice. On top of that if they were all in on a share giveaway scheme management bringing up this latest charge seems over the top. Once again why bother.

Im thinking this may be a perjury or being less than honest situation note guys are now facing and not the workings of friendly or planned situations. The lead attorney hitting the highway is always a bad sign. That seldom happens as the cost is huge to get another lead up to speed. It could mean serious doo hitting the fan in bond land. Now we have court ordered mediations before the judge rules on the claim that the monitor appears to back.

As far as the financials I think mamagement stated their goal was by end of year. As far as a reorg plan, kicking the can down the road is well within he scope of CCCA as long as an effort is made that satifies the judge.