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10/07/05 9:35 PM

#32072 RE: stehvestor #32071

your kidding right?
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10/07/05 9:42 PM

#32073 RE: stehvestor #32071

"work in progress".

The millions of records that follow is the income stream. Do you understand that?

If you write one song for the Back Street boys, you will be rich if they sell millions of copies.

Do you see the "BLing bling" worn by the sucessful artists?

Does 3/10 ths of 1% additional cost for encription that earns you 29% more gross sales seem like a lot of money to pay for such encryption..?

It all comes from the cd list, thanks berg111...

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10/07/05 10:01 PM

#32074 RE: stehvestor #32071

We are well aware of your opinion.
You certainly are entitled to it, but why, pray tell do you feel the need to tell us over and over every day? I believe that was bergs original point. You act like there is something wrong with those of us who remain, in your words, "positive".