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10/09/12 3:38 PM

#5000 RE: LGL8054 #4998

So if this is the case, and Bill had his feelings hurt and that's why he is withholding information, that speaks volumes. That means he is like Steven in more ways then just being a pathetic liar..he is a little crybaby..just like Steven. No wonder those two are so tight.
Bill, if you don't want people to make fun of you and talk about you the way they do because your feelings might get hurt, then do your job..stop ripping off investors and get the info out you say you have. In case you didn't know, when you take people's money and don't deliver, they tend to say not very nice things about you. So if you need your binkie stuffed in your mouth, a little blanket, your back patted and burped, and your diaper changed so you will stop crying, call Steven.