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10/05/12 2:36 PM

#48489 RE: bananarama #48484

"As I am sure you know, the recent shareholder letter from Kim was not published six months ago."

as im sure you know, it wasnt the first shareholder letter either...

"I feel the letter makes it quite clear that something big is coming in the "near term," as Kim stated"

yes...everything is near term and has been for years...and its always big...and some will still insist they were...yet kblb is much lower now than before any "big" news...
i wouldnt hang on kims every word...hes the ceo..if kblb is to go bk tomorrow, he'd be telling you today that everything was going great..

"Therefore, I am giving Kim the benefit of the doubt and extending "near term" as far out as six months,"

why not just turn "near term" into a year...or two years?..

"So, I feel very confident in my statement that we will all regret not having purchased more shares once a deal is announced."

well then, dont hesitate a second more...

"You state, "anyone wish they had bought more back then?" I do not consider investing to be a laughing matter."

i consider certain methods of investing a joke...

"As I have said before, it is impossible to know what price to pay for ANY stock or when exactly to buy. Therefore, to minimize that threat, one should space out purhases."

no sooner said.........

"This procedure is called dollar cost averaging."

foolish to do in pink sheets...

"I have been buying all the way down so that my average is less."

and maximize your losses if things dont go well...

"I bought more yesterday, and I will buy more today. I plan on continuing my buying until a deal is announced. That is my plan."

great plan...roll the dice..

"What is yours?"

to make as much money as possible without putting too much at a huge risk...not having to rely on what kim says..or what anyone here hopes and dreams about...

been doing that for some time now...has worked very very well for me...hows yours workling out so far?...