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10/12/12 8:08 AM

#6038 RE: badboynews #6037

I managed to get at my old notes the other day and found some bits in there to jog my memory. I was right on most of it, he just employs or names his only family and friends on the company.

You can go on google earth and see the address for him.

In 2004 I spoke to some guys in one part of the company who were really angry about lack of support for their business by the parent company. They were not happy about Glover that's for sure. It was round this time I realized it was not going well and go out, at a loss. I came to the conclusion that the people involved were all getting what they could from the company. I actually spent a couple of days ringing every number I could find associated with ADN and asking the same questions over and over again.

What do you think of the direction, the strategy of the group, the management style, is the future bright and so on. From these questions you can glean a lot. I realized quickly that the place was being robbed blind. Some people were actually honest.

It seems Glover just gets out of companies what he can and then lets them die slowly on the vine.

From what I can find Flameret will go the same way.