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10/03/12 11:25 PM

#187584 RE: Powder Dayz #187552

Pigs at the Trough: [ original emphasis ]

The Corporate Welfare State in America .. one bit ..

Defense giant Lockheed Martin was once allowed to bill the government $20,000 for golf balls, which it claimed as an "entertainment expense." (You try to do that on your personal 1040 and see what happens.) More damagingly, the government -- i.e., you and I -- paid the well-heeled executives of Lockheed $30 million in personal bonuses when it merged with Martin Marietta, a merger which resulted in substantial layoffs, lost jobs and higher prices for the goods the government buys from the company.

In 1995, the Walt Disney Corporation was given $300,000 for the important task of perfecting its fireworks display. (The company's profits for the year were a paltry $1 billion, so it could hardly have afforded this by itself.)

our discussion point is welfare
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10/03/12 11:32 PM

#187587 RE: Powder Dayz #187552


CRR decision: oppose Obama on every piece of legislation including JOBS.

only an ocean of hypocrisy can keep you your party afloat when it comes to the
economy and job creation .. which you really don't seem to really care about or you
wouldn't be supporting the GOP .. you must have seen all these by now .. some of ..

sorry pal, sick and sorry never wins in the long run ..

Did Republicans Deliberately Crash the US Economy?

Hit Romney with it in the next debate, Obama.

fyi in case .. CRR = Caucus Room Restaurant

Jim Lehrer: How would you create jobs?

Better what have you done since Obama's inauguration day? .. for jobs??