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02/27/03 11:46 PM

#7360 RE: ergo sum #7359

Arafat's deputy in the PLO organization, Abu Mazen, said in an interview to Kuwaiti newspaper Elzaman: "Palestinian children have lost body parts throwing explosives at Israeli. They do this because they are paid one dollar by the organizations to do this."

Abu Mazen said he is strongly opposed to this. "Children of this age cannot decide for themselves. Would you want something like this to happen to your son or relatives?"


PRESIDENT KARZAI: Well, thank you very much, Mr. President. It's an
honor for me to be here with you in the White House. The United States
and yourself have helped tremendously in the past year to rebuild
Afghanistan, to help us in all aspects of life, including the 3
million children that now go to school have been receiving help from
the United States. You have helped us with the roads, with the
building of the National Army of Afghanistan. I'm here to thank you
and the American people. And I'm also here to ask you to do more for
us in making the life of the Afghan people better, more stable, more
peaceful. I'm also here to tell you that the war against terrorism is
going on. We have defeated them, but some elements are still there.
And we should go on strong and tough to get them all and free the
world from that menace.

its not all bad