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09/29/12 5:17 AM

#187033 RE: F6 #187028

Why Dummies Believe Fake Movements Are Real
Uploaded by MockTheDummy1 on Sep 13, 2011

Flashback: Remember April 2010 when the Tea Party Dummies thought that the Tea Party Express was part of a grassroots movement? We do...

Images of signs, used with attribution, can be found at Teabonics on Flickr right here:


(linked in) and preceding (and any future following)


01/27/13 12:45 AM

#197747 RE: F6 #187028

Carl Paladino, Former Tea Party Candidate For Governor, Considers Run For Buffalo School Board

Former New York Republican gubernatorial nominee and Tea Party favorite Carl Paladino may run for the Buffalo Board of Education [ ], according to a report by the Buffalo News.
Paladino, a longtime critic of the current Buffalo school board, used strong language to describe his new effort to change the body's dynamic, telling the Buffalo News, "I'm going to destroy them. All nine of them."
According to the Buffalo News, Paladino has used the term "sisterhood" to describe the African-American women who lead the school board.
In July of last year, Paladino went so far as to sue the Buffalo School Board [ ] over the naming of Dr. Pamela Brown as district superintendent. The State Supreme Court declared the lawsuit "null and void" [ ] only five days later.
If he runs and is elected to the Buffalo school board, Paladino vows to fire all the upper-level administrators in the district. He told the Buffalo News, "I'd get rid of that whole staff up there and get some real professional people to do a real professional job, rather than just protect their job all day long." [with comments]


Cindy Hill, Wyoming Schools Boss, Could Be Stripped Of Authority By Pending Bill

The Tea Party head of Wyoming's education system may be stripped of nearly all her authority and end up relegated to a number of minor roles if pending legislation continues to gain steam.
A bill [ ], which has gained bipartisan support from top legislative leaders and has passed two preliminary votes, would strip state Superintendent of Public Instruction Cindy Hill (R) of her control over the state Department of Education and turn the agency over to a director appointed by the governor. The elected superintendent's job would remain in existence, but would be effectively neutered of any real power under the plan. Proponents say the bill is needed to end a "crisis" caused by Hill's refusal to implement legislation.
[...] [with comments]