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09/27/12 2:12 PM

#189677 RE: PokerStar #189675

Or you could focus on the reality of what's really being stated:

1. The "cessation" is really just pointing out that there's no remaining discount share funders not even the 504 guys who will give this company any working capital anymore...because there's zero market liquidity in play and even at 1 tick away from no bid there's no buyers! I mean what's eric gonna offer any 504 guys out there...500M shares @ .0001 in return for a 50 grand raise? They'd laugh him off the phone and eric darn well knows it!!!

2. Of course the lack of any further working capital has interfered with their growth plans...that's what happens when you issue 100's of millions of discount shares to discount share funders who immediately dump them into a market that can't absorb them...because the results here are stagnate and actually regressing as the posted Q2 results clearly reflected...despite all the hundreds upon hundreds of new points of sale WNBD supposedly entered since Q2 2011.

3. So yes the past tells the tells it quite accurately in all the glorious built in blog expectations like short listed on 3 national usa big box accounts and the infamous 90 days to new financing blog bravado has delivered zero increase in shareholder value and a completely dead illiquid market with a share price 1 tick away from no bid...and now instead of even giving timeline expectations on all the supposed glorious friendly financing expectations this company alone chose to build in to the storyline here...todays blog says nothing except that "he's still trying" whoop-dee-friggin'-doo! I mean trying what? Is he trying to convince some funders to give him money for no discount share collateral? Just once I'd like to see him blog about what this supposed miracle man friendly financing is he's been supposedly seeking for almost 2 years now since he 1st began blogging about it towards the end of 2010~

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Black Beerd

09/27/12 2:24 PM

#189680 RE: PokerStar #189675

"This statement says a lot."

As said ad nauseum after every blog..they all say alot but in truth..means nothing for the shareholder. PPS after saying lots is still.0001-.0002. Yaaaawn

"we are seeing a rebound in sales in the 3rd quarter with these same economic challenges and also making headway in other fronts.'

Rebound to what...back to terrible dropped 40% and to make those numbers back will require a HUGE monumental rebound.. Challenges of the economy is a measure for the CEO's talent to be aware and make changes to accomodate those changes in economic challenges just like every other company out there. Instead he lost sales and burned up the cash.

"IMHO, short term funding is being used at this time to pay the bills"

Pure speculation...dealing with facts is far more relevant. He is using desperation funding and thats a fact...short term may imply someone has granted those dollars as friendly funding.

"Everyone know that there have been many irons in the fire"

So you've been told on the msg boards. But nothing announced that has any meaning for the shareholder value or the needed desperately required financing...everything else is MOOT .

" .the sky is the limit"

When your looking up from the bottom after 6 yrs and from the elevation of .0001-.0002 theres not much to see but hopes and dreams...reality has kept it at these declining basement now levels.

". So again, the past tells a story but not always the same dreary ending"

The past has told the whole story..everyday the past becomes the present here. The dreary ending isn't my story its my observation of the story line the CEO has created...I just observe the those funny financials and qtrly. As far as looking better tell that to every lending arm, angle and financial institution and be prepared for a visible..ROFLMAO because they all study the numbers trends...historical data. It is their view into the future.

"Good luck to all we shareholders"

Oh, absolutely and I'll need it!