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09/25/12 1:23 PM

#186603 RE: SoxFan #186596

Obama's Lead Is Starting to Look Insurmountable

—By Kevin Drum
| Mon Sep. 24, 2012 8:09 PM PDT

Two predictions from Kevin:

The mudslinging from the Romney campaign is going to get really, really nasty and desperate over the next few weeks.

The smart money is shortly going to start deserting Romney and focusing downballot instead. The conservative base never liked Romney all that much to begin with, and I don't think it will take much for them to abandon him.

yeah..;), I know you knew that .. ;)

Then This: Crossroads Launches New $5.5 Million Ad Offensive In 5 Senate Races

Pema Levy 12:09 PM EDT, Tuesday September 25, 2012

this if just peanuts, I think .. but I do 'think' the money will not go IN to romney anymore .. I believe it will go OUT to all down ticket republicans ... ..If this trend continues .. ;) .... well then .........that would mean, EVEN they KNOW IT!..;)

Also .. what's your thoughts on that call last night that gave the game to the Broncos' ? .. .