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09/21/12 1:59 PM

#185994 RE: StephanieVanbryce #185993

Rush limbaugh is attacking Bill Kristol, I guess it's 'again' ..

Conor Friedersdorf again.. ;)__The talk-radio host has no tolerance for critiques of the Republican candidate -- even when they come from the right.

snippet --- From Today

Before I tell you about Rush Limbaugh's attack on Bill Kristol, the latest skirmish in an ongoing six-way battle for the character of the conservative movement, a bit of background information: What many movement conservatives hate more than anything is when non-liberals criticize them or the candidates they support. So long as criticism comes from the left, it can be dismissed as opportunistic rants from godless, bleeding-heart Marxists seeking to empower their fellow Democrats. But when a pathology is noted by Ron Paul, or David Frum, or Andrew Sullivan, or David Brooks, or Rod Dreher, or Brink Lindsey, or Kathleen Parker, or Bruce Bartlett, or Peggy Noonan, the idea that it's being offered in bad faith as part of a left-wing conspiracy isn't credible. That's why the people just mentioned elicit the same response from self-appointed ideological enforcers, despite the fact that they're very so different from one another. They must be discredited as operating in bad faith, lest ideologues be forced to debate the merits of their weakest positions.

They're terrified of debating on neutral territory, which is why they never do it.

The implausibility of all critics of movement conservatism acting in bad faith doesn't stop the accusations. The humorous default is to insist that they're just criticizing conservatives because they want to get invited to fancy Georgetown cocktail parties. Back in early 2009, after living in Washington, D.C., for two years, I excitedly moved as far from that city as I could possibly get while remaining in the continental United States, and still I get accused of trying to ingratiate my way into Georgetown cocktail parties, sometimes by people living in inside the Beltway!

Kristol is the rare sort who sometimes uses scurrilous attacks to discredit people, rather than engaging in substantive argument; but who at other times makes comments that run afoul of movement orthodoxy. He shares Limbaugh's comfort with odious means, but while the radio host's ultimate end is the mindless advancement of Team Red (along with self-aggrandizement), Kristol has substantive goals and commitments (and knows that quality work can be packaged with shoddier fare so that the latter is taken more seriously than it deserves to be). He's also unafraid of debating Limbaugh, knowing he'd get the better of the exchange.'s worth the read .. ;) imo.