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09/20/12 4:36 PM

#185842 RE: StephanieVanbryce #185839

Ooops, Harry Reid took away Brown's reason not to show up.


09/20/12 4:53 PM

#185843 RE: StephanieVanbryce #185839

That's great. Give them hell Harry.


09/21/12 3:52 AM

#185944 RE: StephanieVanbryce #185839

Great Scott!

This article is about the exclamation. For the debut album by Shirley Scott recorded for Prestige in 1958, see Great Scott! (album). For the album by Shirley Scott recorded for Impulse! in 1964, see Great Scott!!.

Great Scott! is an exclamation of surprise, amazement, or dismay.

Possible origins [...]

The origin of the expression is uncertain, with several plausible sources.

A likely source is as a reference to American Civil War commander-in-chief of the U.S. Army, General Winfield Scott. The general, known to his troops as Old Fuss and Feathers, weighed 300 pounds (21 stone or 136 kg) in his later years and was too fat to ride a horse. A May 1861 edition of the New York Times included the sentence:

These gathering hosts of loyal freemen, under the command of the great SCOTT.

In an 1871 issue of the Galaxy, the expression itself is quoted:

"Great—Scott!" he gasped in his stupefaction, using the name of the then
commander-in-chief for an oath, as officers sometimes did in those days.

The phrase also appears in the 3 May 1864 diary entry by Private Robert Knox Sneden (later published as Eye of the Storm: a Civil War Odyssey):

‘Great Scott,’ who would have thought that this would be the destiny of the Union
Volunteer in 1861–2 while marching down Broadway to the tune of ‘John Brown’s Body’.

Another possible origin is an anglicized corruption of an expression used by the German Albert, Prince Consort of Queen Victoria, transforming "Grüss Gott" ("Greet God") into "Great Scott". The etymologist and author John Ciardi once believed this, but later recanted in a radio broadcast in 1985.

Similarly, the expression could be a minced oath, derived from the English phrase "[by the] grace of God".[citation needed]

Another possible source comes from Mark Twain's hate for Sir Walter Scott and his writing, which popularized historical fiction and romanticized war in general. Twain's disdain for Scott is evident in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, in which the main character repeatedly utters "great Scott" as an oath, and in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, where he names a sinking boat the Walter Scott.

multi links ..

The question of the day is ..

Did anyone hear Scott Brown's 'Great Scott!' scream of dismay when he heard Harry's horrible (to Scott) news? .. lol ..