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09/19/12 3:02 PM

#260754 RE: Traderfan #260752

My guess is $0.04 for Q3 for RX.V / BIOYF. I haven't yet done an estimate for Q4.


09/19/12 7:08 PM

#260757 RE: Traderfan #260752

Just remember taxes are a coming at a rate of about 28-29% perhaps as early as q4, but definetly by q1. That is going to hold earnings back. To me the stock is not all that cheap here, if you tax last quarters eps we are looking at .017, I do expect that to jump in the .025 range hopefully by next quarter or the quarter after. But the stock in my opinion, before the recent selloff has priced in alot of the good news, because taxes are a coming. And next year the company will be comparing taxed veruss untaxed earnings that may significantly hide growth next year. So If we are looking at .02-.03 EPS taxed going foward, the stock was pretty close to fairly valued before it's recent pullback, now It is somewhat slightly undervlaued. based on growth, but this is not a stock that has a ton of potential at these prices in my opinion. Although sometimes the market can be quite stupid with stocks wouldn't be surprised if they bid this stock up close to $2 after next quarter, and that get surprised on the taxes coming in q4/q1 and sell the stock off hard because of it. All is just my opinion, and I could always be wrong though.