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10/03/05 12:58 PM

#4270 RE: Teddy2 #4269

The following is a comment that appearded in another chat room that I agree with.

Why on earth would anyone want to sell out at this point when...
1. We are about to go into production with our FIRST wells in Manitoba
2. We are at one of the lowest points regarding share price
3. We have the potential to go X5 on share price in the not too distant future and further after that ...can you say that about GAS.
4. You did not offend me I just find it strange you suddenly decide to post at this point in time so close to production being achieved.
5. I would be amongst the first to admit that the PR of the company is intolerable. If you read previous posts of mine you will see that
6. Rob Cudney and Northfield Capital own some 7.5 million shares in this company do you really think they will write that off ? not in a million years .Lets wait and see what happens in the next few weeks and who gets the biggest bang
6. Success rate in Manitoba is a confirmed 67% with two wells out of three producing over 600 barrels per day between them on swab test(likely drop to 400 in production and we still await results on third well which if dry still gives 67%success if good gives 100%
7. Potential for another 23 targets in same area, which as we speak will be getting assessed and a drill program formulated .

So why the heck should I consider selling now, good for you with your investment in GAS I`m always glad to see people prosper on the markets as we here will surely do in time
If I misjudged you I apologise. However methinks you do protest too much

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10/06/05 12:44 AM

#4271 RE: Teddy2 #4269

Teddy, looks like she wants to run or just bouncing?