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Replies to #347 on PrePromoPics
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09/19/12 1:41 PM

#348 RE: HappinessForeverRich #347

great board.I would love to be an asst mod to help find the prepromo picks
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09/19/12 8:20 PM

#353 RE: HappinessForeverRich #347

Today was a great day for sure!! And know there is more to come :-)
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09/19/12 10:26 PM

#354 RE: HappinessForeverRich #347

CHMR is the new promo starts in the A.M. been watching since AUG.26th high volume in the low .40s it might hit $1.00,Paid chat room talking about it also fake Victory Mark emails going around- Be Careful IMO
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09/21/12 10:25 PM

#370 RE: HappinessForeverRich #347

SMA next week from what I hear on the paid chat rooms,I have a some of the tickers to watch starting Monday,:-) As soon as I have THE ONE ill post it here!