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09/19/12 11:35 AM

#226710 RE: 10452km2 #226704

Well per their last Q the margins were coming down. Im sorry, Apple is a great company do not get me wrong but its probably the biggest pump I have seen on wall street in years. I bet between the hours of about 6am to 8pm on any given day CNBC mentions apple or its stock price about 100 times a day. That is not even including the people they interview that mention the stock. I mean do we really need to hear for a week straight that it was getting close to breaking 700$ a share. I mean why do we not hear that CELG and GILD are pretty close to their 52 week highs. Or how the biotech sector has been exploding. There are so many other things we could hear about but again its apple apple apple. I bet in the next 20 minutes we hear apple mentioned atleast 2-3 times.