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09/17/12 7:46 PM

#7678 RE: Market_Fest4 #7677

MarketFest, Changing the voting method could help, so it probably won't happen. Just going back to paper ballots would help a lot, since then it's much harder to rig elections. In countries where the West pretends to 'monitor' elections, electronic voting is not allowed because the machines are 'too easy to rig'. And yet here we have electronic voting all over the US.

Between puppet candidates and electronic voting, elections have become essentially meaningless. There are only a few private companies that program the machines and tally the votes (Diebold), and these companies have intimate connections to the NSA/intelligence community.

>>> What good does it do to create another movement? <<<

Personally I think it's too late to stop the banking cartel from achieving their new Dark Age. But if they could somehow be routed, it would take a mass awakening and political movement. Theoretically Congress can still repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and a non-puppet President could also use emergency powers to abolish the Fed. The fact that so many Congressman voted to audit the Fed shows that the banking cartel is not totally invulnerable.

Remember in 2010 how the 1000 point 'flash crash' just happened to occur on the day Congress was voting on the audit the Fed bill? Then Congress immediately watered down the bill. If seriously threatened, the banking cartel would go into 'scorched earth' mode and put the country into an instant calamity. IMO there is no way to get rid of the Federal Reserve, unfortunately the disease is fatal. What we're going to get is a global Fed, the IMF/World Bank as the central bank of the world.