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09/17/12 10:59 AM

#58216 RE: litton51 #58215

You should also say "legitimate shareholders".

The shareholders of the company never voted for the BOD members it had, and therefore they are NOT entitled to gift shares to themselves and others.

The only legitimate shareholders are those who paid for their shares.


09/17/12 2:04 PM

#58221 RE: litton51 #58215

it was only said that tmobile was a potential bidder--that has clearly changed. already the judges mandates have been modified, i expect them to continue to be modified, about 1 in 1000 companies exits a recievership w/o liquidation (just a wild guess) but it happens, there will be no liquidation no patent auction if drago gets his way. The judge came down hard on clyw, standard business sence follows a simple rule, sell it and that's what its worth, clearly that is not being followed here, business sense says cut losses and get out, clearly that is not being followed here--the game has changed before our eyes, we don't think of it that way since we all along wanted a markman etc.

If sir hig is correct and mathiews has spent 3000 hours you can bet they are going for billions, it just doesn't make sense to drago not to, drago could have thrown in the towel at the beginning and said, look i want my 28 percent, i want it now, so go ahead and auction off the patent. THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN, hence something has changed and i see no reason why that w/ a huge win the reciever would'nt say "not so fast"...