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09/16/12 2:40 PM

#68806 RE: kalstone #68804

e~hi,$MMTC did the A~B~C in the Green Channel!!
Good Volume !!

Possible daily averages could swing back up through the halfway
point of the Blue Channel once more!!

Either Way $MMTC is on the right track!!!

and $OSIS gets more analyst coverage too?!



09/16/12 2:41 PM

#68807 RE: kalstone #68804

mmtc management team????? Nunez.... the guy in stock fraud as found by the SEC and limited NASD participation in which legal action is underway. Nunez also has a long history working with loan shark operations hosing small companies and shareholders like he is doing now. And Newhuis? The automobile leasing agent who is now a financial genuis after buying millions and millions of mmtc shares at .001 and selling them for .003 and more? What was the name of the physical trainer in charge of AOAC certifications? And Haavig.... the scientist who could not get a job elsewhere and works on the mmtc grocery scanner, bug killer, Chia Pet holder and popcorn popper?????? What a team! mmtc sucks