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09/13/12 11:13 AM

#62760 RE: jg35 #62759

That's a reasonable way to look at this, in principle. But I don't see why you put chances of success so low. To justify that on the basis of general statistics on success of trials is not sufficient. What perils do you see confronting NNVC in it's flu trials? Unlike almost all other "drugs" we have something here that does not seem to interact in any significant way with a living biological system. It will be cleared from the circulatory system eventually, and that clearing process might cause problems. But it has not done so in animal testing. The viricides might survive and be excreted into the waste stream causing some kind of adverse ecological effect. But what if any evidence is there that suggests that might happen? The viricides might escape the circulatory system and enter cells causing adverse effect. But that did not seem to happen in animals, so what's different about humans? All this suggests to me a very low possibility of failure. Where do you come up with 60% failure probability. I can't get a number that high.
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09/13/12 11:19 AM

#62761 RE: jg35 #62759

A valid viewpoint and a good one to bring up jg.

I view this more of a 1:1:1 possibility so I might be a shade more optimistic than you.

About a 1/3 a chance this goes to zero (or effectively so)

About a 1/3 chance we make some (but not buckets) of money in the long run (>1-2 years from present)

About a 1/3 chance we all get to retire in style and grace in the long run (again >1-2 more years from present).

One should never bet the rent/grocery money on any stock. One should always be prepared to lose whatever was put in and be ready to wait longer than you might initially think to see progress in the real world.

Everything I have read (here and elsewhere) about the tech says it 'should' work. The preliminary work done in lab animal models demonstrates that it 'should' work in humans. What we currently understand about the chemistry used in the tech suggests that it 'should' be low in toxicity and side effects in humans.

But point is - we don't know how well it will work in humans, whether there is toxicity not readily apparent at this point, and IF (in the meantime) some other tech or drugs will come out that can effectively be even better than what we think we have now.

I'm still adding now and again when I can - I haven't sold a share yet that I have bought - but I don't expect to see a real return (if we see one) for at least another year barring unforseen circumstances.
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09/13/12 2:38 PM

#62780 RE: jg35 #62759

"I hope most people here haven't speculated with more money than they can afford to lose."

Excellent point in your post. It is easy to get carried away when someone thinks they have a sure thing. There is always the possibility of an unknown unknown (UNK UNK) for everything. I put the success of NNVC above your 40%; but like you, it is a bet worth taking with money I can afford to lose. Additionally, I feel like I am investing in, and being a part of, something that may change humanity.
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09/13/12 10:07 PM

#62798 RE: jg35 #62759

When a penny stock comes up with a 'cure' and thinks they will be welcomed by Big Pharma, they are usually surprised why they are not beating a path to their door with offers.
Read what happened to other cures that worked but were suppressed. Then when you research Royal Rife, Nickola Tesla, Wilhelm Reich and many others you will come to the realization that you are now viewing the real picture of how the system really works.

Many here are convinced that NNVC's Flucide formulation is way superior to Tamiflu. Naturally one thinks that Big Pharma will see to a NNVC buy-out and capture that milti-billion dollar market. Or, they think NNVC will produce it themselves and have control of the product so it does not get supressed by the powers-that-be.

There's always talk about DD, well do a DD on Spearle, Tammli-flu, D. Rumsfeld and FDA.

This is the guy NNVC is going to take out of business.
The ultimate insider who slammed aspertame down everyones throat, will now have to give up because of NNVC's superior product.

I have come to believe that management knows they won't have a chance, so they keep on testing and drawing from the shelf and hoping for what-ever.

To those who think that's a conspiracy theory ...well continue living in the matrix and taking the Blue Pill- Loading the boat and waiting for that big bus. I been there.

Hense, I felt it was time to take a loss on the bulk on my position and move it elsewhere. However, if all was fair in this world it would be another story- still hope I'm wrong so I keep a small position.

-As unpopular as it maybe with some, however like everyone else here it's JMO.

Best to all,