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09/12/12 4:14 PM

#58042 RE: usandy #58041

While the results of such a proposed survey might indeed be interesting to see,... I would not participate.

Why do unpaid market research for T-Mobile? Or for that matter for anybody out there that might be their competition in getting our patent. Let them guess a price for which I would cough up shares.

I don't have 2 million of them,... but have 'enough'.


09/12/12 4:28 PM

#58044 RE: usandy #58041

This board is making me dizzy. Stock zooms to $6! Stock plummets to 2 cents! First, here comes the settlement! We're all gonna get well. Then, well, the BOC screwed it up. Again. No money. But wait! Another final settlement. Daic and the BOC get everything in a Double Secret Probation Vaporware settlement agreement, we get nothing. But wait! Receivership! We're saved! We are to get the "maximum value for our shares!" Have to affirm the patent. Markman! If the patent is affirmed, we will have to hire personal body guards to keep away the thousands of people trying to throw money at us for our shares! Then, the Markman, and... what? We kinda won, maybe. But not until more trials and time will we learn if our shares are worth anything. Now, hey! I'll part with my shares for X millions! Part with them to whom? The silence following the Markman hearing has been deafening.

Eight years. I have been up and down so many times that I have a sinus block. And hypoxia. And the bends. Six of my cats have died of old age. And the song continues.