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09/12/12 11:13 AM

#50634 RE: DumpsterDiver #50633

It's like religion, belief!
Needs no proof, can't argue it.
Tivu is a religion.


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09/12/12 1:11 PM

#50639 RE: DumpsterDiver #50633


I understand the frustration with the e-mails, I sent months of unanswered e-mails. and over a year feeling seemingly as you on TiVUS. I won't even argue that it isn't frustrating to say the least. I am not sure that anyone can provide you more proof of life than there is already at whatever level that is. I won't insult your intelligence by re-posting what little bit we do know, as I am sure you are well aware. My concern lies in the fact that while it is not much that we do know of the company, there is tons of speculation, rumor, and straight insult that is seemingly being passed around here as facts...adding to the confusion...could SP clear the air by discerning the facts from the rumors with a clear and concise PR? Absolutely, no argument from me that he could, but history reveals that he has no intentions of doing that anytime in the near future. My opinion on Shiva's intention

as to why or even what he plans to do to correct it

(the PPS), I would hope that he not overly concern himself with that directly, PPS is what it is, there are good companies with low PPS's and straight frauds that have BIG PPS's. My desire, expectations and I presume Mr. Prakash's methods of dealing with this is to continue to run and build upon TiVUS each and everyday and to grow it into the growing Market Share. Again, that is my thought and expectation...I can only hope that Mr. Prakash agrees. In my very limited exchanges with him, I get the feeling that it is, but he never shared that directly. As TiVUS grows, I suspect the PPS will sort itself out in time. I, like yourself, have heard the ever growing rumors that an R/S is inevitable, I am almost inclined to believe that myself, but the fact is, I have never heard those words come out of SP's mouth or quoted in a PR. I have only heard SP reference PPS twice, once in a radio interview where he talked about a Share buy back, and then at the CC on AUG 21st when he was asked if he planned on dilluting anymore. His response to the later was that while he has no intentions to dilute ever, the fact remains that there are things that must be done (milestones to accomplish) that require funding, and unless someone is willing to cough up the needed moneys, he has to pay the bills. I don't like it, but I suppose it is an honest answer. I spent almost a quarter century wearing the uniform of an enlisted man in our nations military, I certainly know what is like to eat a sandwich with nothing between the slices of bread, two days before payday. I know what it is like to pawn your VCR to buy diapers because this months check just didn't stretch far enough. I know what it is like to get inventive to make it through the month financially. I certainly understand the situation SP is in with no money. many criticize him for not diluting at higher levels, and i am sure he would have loved to, but the fact remains bills have a due date, and you can only defer so long before courts start ruling, and late fees start over weighing the benefits of eating steak one more night. I am not sure that i have anything else to offer you.
