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09/11/12 10:35 AM

#50536 RE: KaiserSoze #50534

184 million on the ask!! Weeeee!!
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09/11/12 11:08 AM

#50542 RE: KaiserSoze #50534


Again, on the surface you are correct, but I believe there is more to it than that. CEO's have a fiduciary responsibility, to their SHAREHOLDERS that places the well being of Their Company over and above their own well being. In those regards I believe that SP understands that role, and he is acting appropriately. I have no reason to doubt that SP has honorable intentions with TiVUS. He may have less than stellar communication skills, He may seem slow to many and cautious to others, As I have always maintained, (my personal opinion)I think he has an over ambitious salary based on the current size of this company, but he has always been forthright in his accounting of it. Is there an opportunity to rip off shareholders here? sure there is, just as there always has been, He could have taken the Philly install money and run for the hills, but he didn't, I don't think he is that kind of a man. Just my opinion, but I think we have the right man in charge of things today, and I believe that we will all profit nicely in the future. Is he the best? who knows? I don't believe we will find anyone more dedicated to making this project and this company a success in the near term. Is the TSIL loaded with friends and family? Maybe? will those involved profit? SURE... that is the point of starting a profit....otherwise, what is the point? I suspect and even expect, that the takeaway for the TSIL would be no more or no less than if it happens to be loaded with friends and family or not. As long as TiVUS gets its fair share of what is coming, then I have no problems with it. In the mean time, and short of any other factual evidence (instead of simple speculation) it doesn't cost us anymore to ride this out.


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09/11/12 11:13 AM

#50543 RE: KaiserSoze #50534

The India concern is I believe a privately held company.
Look up the definition of an LTD on google.
Shiva is an owner of of Tivus India with a few others.
My best best guess is they will pay themselves back handsomely
for the loan to Tivus USA if it goes well.
Shiva will be double dipping along with some of his cronies.
Tivus India has nothing to do with us unless Tivus USA is listed as an owner.
They are providing the $ for the installs.
How this is all working seems like a perfect storm for Shiva
if it works out. For us shareholders, we are the last people on the
This is all my big O!
