Kudos to Stoutman for the pic below (hope you don't mind I "borrowed" it to make my point!).
I certainly agree that audited financials, share structure, buybacks, reputation, past history, etc. should be part of the ongoing discourse here, regardless of where you stand on each topic, as its a healthy way to learn about our investment and its potential for success or failure. However, its just as important to show that this is a company with real product and that product is gaining more and more exposure. Regardless of your outlook on this company, you have to admit that having it stocked at the beginning of a beverage aisle, in a Walmart, next to Vitamin Water speaks volumes for the hard work it took to get this type of exposure. Sure BBDA has a long way to go, and plenty of companies have gotten this far and still failed. But its early, and you have to start somewhere, and it sure looks to me like we have our hands on something with great potential.