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09/07/12 7:54 PM

#72401 RE: Alyssa #72397

Thats absurd! Bling-Bling (frank) ran Golden Dragon into the ground, then changed the name to China food services and ran that into the ground. Investors lost 90%+ as he issued 5 BILLION shares and then further crushed them with a Reverse Split. All the time not one single audit was produced and not one single nickel was made.

Now, his latest scam, CAGR, has issued over a BILLION new shares and is down a further 60%+ in less than a year. And still, Bling-Bling and his sidekick, Jingles, have not made one nickel and have not produced one single audit to show where the money has gone. THAT IS CRIMINAL, IMO.


09/07/12 8:21 PM

#72405 RE: Alyssa #72397

All the Western foods and Oreos were in their infancy too in china, not too long ago... remember all that? I do.


09/07/12 8:51 PM

#72410 RE: Alyssa #72397

Well said Alyssa. I always prefered the "Cliff notes" version, and you summed it up nicely. Years of work and effort and trial and yes, some error, went into making CAGR into the company it is today. And what is it today is a company ready to finally take off!

Total 100% fabrication. CAGR is Frank's ONE AND ONLY public company and it OBVIOUSLY has NOT been run into the ground. It has been growing and growing every day.

For anyone new here, Frank purchased a power boat corporate shell and named it Golden Dragon Holdings, then changed the name to China Food Services, Inc., because they were distributing US food products, and then decided for GOOD REASONS that specializing in California wines would be more successful because the market is in its infancy and WIDE OPEN in China (and elsewhere), so hence and thence MERGED with California Grapes International, an already-established private company.

The above history in NO WAY indicates that Frank "ran two other public companies into the ground."

That is the truth, plain and simple and it is wrong for anyone to post otherwise.

CAGR has been crazy-good for many, not bad. Just ask the REAL investors. You should speak for yourself and no one else.