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02/25/03 2:07 PM

#6092 RE: QuasimodoJones #6091

Stay tuned, Sassy ...since GW is too chicken to reply.

Well, quasi, I see that the satire was totally lost on you.

If you don't want to let this die, then please send each of them an e-mail and leave the rest of us out of this.

This can all be ended very simply by the parties involved if they just display the honesty and moral courage to admit they were wrong and apologize.

Never heard the saying "take the high road", have you?

was Graywolf

02/25/03 2:48 PM

#6094 RE: QuasimodoJones #6091

Who is being honest?

And he knows why -- and so do any of YOU, if you'll just be honest. He won't respond because he knows he honestly can't, because there was no post for him to cite. Instead, craven once again as he was on RightOn's board, he snivels, "Well, I'm just so above all this," and runs along.

I said nothing dishonest in my post yesterday. Everything I said can be verified by the other managers who were involved. For example, if you can reach DrBob, I'm sure he will verify that it was he who worded the warning. There is no point in going further, because I know where these things go with you, Quasi, and there's no point in rehashing what was already said. I state my case, you call me a liar. If someone else verifies it, I suppose you'll call them a liar too. Frankly I don't care. I just consider the source and let it go at that with the knowledge that I have never been anything but truthful on these boards. So, if you want to try and bait me with your usual ever escalating crap, you're only going to look more like Umedia than you already do, so have fun. Just don't expect me to play along.